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Ethos & Curriculum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at condimentum dolor. Cras ornare mauris tellus, at venenatis massa.

Explore Lessons

Opening Hours

Our opening hours are 8am to 6pm, we ask that children are in Nursery for the core part of the day between 10am and 4pm. Between 8am and 10am and 4pm and 6pm, we have communal times, where the children spend time together, mixing with other age groups. For siblings in the nursery, they can choose to spend as much time together as they wish.

Ethos & Values

Our Curriculum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin a augue sed velit sollicitudin commodo. Aliquam erat volupat. Integer placerat pretium nisi, quis ultrices sem dignissim eget. Sed eu metus interdum, mattis metus et, pellentesque leo. Vestibulum imperdiet in leo tincidunt gravida.

Donec pellentesque quam quis tempus molestie. Sed phare tra nisl non quam consequat pellentesque. Phasellus imperd iet sem et ligula scelerisque, maximus placerat nunc suscipit. Sed augue odio, pulvinar et diam ac, hendrerit sagittis massa. Suspendisse potenti.

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About the nursery

Meet the team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce placerat massa lectus, eu tempus ligula ultrices in. Duis nec ante a lacus lobortis ornare vel et libero. Curabitur rhoncus accumsan nisl, ac dignissim risus condimentum et ante neque.

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Everything your child needs

Class Facilities

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin at ultricies neque, quis egestas lorem. Cras et ullamcorp est. Curabitur rutrum ipsum ac pulvinar consequat. Vestibu lum sit amet diam ac massa efficitur blandit nisl et tristique.

Sed nec tellus auctor, porttitor odio a, placerat mi. Sed portt itor arcu id eros vehicula laoreet. Maecenas quis ipsum condi ment, imperdiet eros non, elementum turpis proin place ratu.

Nam feugiat ex auctor commodo ullamcorper. Ut condiment tum lorem a nibh lacinia, id consequat libero congue. Donec et elementum lorem vivamus. Proin efficitur malesuada nibh, a convallis ex placerat et. Mauris eleifend, nunc et ullamcorp dictum, lectus erat efficitur lacus, in magna.

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Made for you

Support with family services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis tellus ut semper eleifend. Nulla vel elit sollicitudin, lobortis justo eu, pharetra lectus. Nullam justo nibh, feugiat eget ullamcorper egestas, tincidunt cursus purus. Praesent tempus risus sit amet rhoncus egestas fusce sollicitudin. Eros consequat urna aliquam tincidunt. Nam posuere arcu eget urna rhoncus sodales. Ut aliquam massa eget orci vulputate luctus.

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Planning in the moment

Curriculum Overview

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which sets out the guidelines for how we work as a childcare provider. The EYFS sets out how we work together to support each child’s learning and development. In terms of learning and development, there are 7 areas that we work within, these are split into Prime Areas for the under 3’s and Specific Areas (along with the Prime areas) for the over 3’s.

Our ethos is very much built around the emotional wellbeing of the child, developing this will develop the child holistically. Our environment is set up in such a way as to enable this, following the child’s interests, building on their self esteem and scaffolding on their learning. The curriculum we work with is based on ‘Planning in the moment’. Throughout the environment, all of the different areas are defined, planned and allow for open ended play which enables the child to use their interests to develop their learning.

Within the Rainbow Unit, we ask you to supply formula milk for your child, and we will provide cows milk, oat milk and soya milk as well as nappies. If your baby has a special toy or comfort item that they like to sleep with or to initially reassure them while separated from their parents, we encourage this to build the link between home and nursery. We have a daily structure but are more than happy to adapt this, to meet the needs of your child’s individual routine.

Routines are a lovely time for 1:1 interaction i.e. nappy changing times, chatting over meal times and even washing your hands are an important part of the child’s emotional development as well as building on their vocabulary.

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Early Years Foundation Stage

Ethos, curriculum and learning path

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which sets out the guidelines for how we work as a childcare provider. The EYFS sets out how we work together to support each child’s learning and development. There are 7 areas that we work within, these are split into Prime Areas for the under 3’s and Specific Areas (along with the Prime areas) for the over 3’s.

Our environment is set up in such a way as to enable this, following the child’s interests, building on their self esteem and scaffolding on their learning. The curriculum we work with is based on ‘Planning in the moment’. Throughout the environment, all of the different areas are defined, planned and allow for open ended play which enables the child to use their interests to develop their learning.

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Explore Rainbow

Key relationships

All practitioners work together and will know all of the children and their individual needs. We have a key person system in place where all children are allocated a keyperson, who will build a relationship with the family and support them through the transition time into the setting. The key person role is fundamental to the wellbeing of the child and support for the family and is an integral part of nursery life.

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Your Questions Answered

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at condimentum dolor. Cras ornare mauris tellus, at venenatis massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam gravida, nisi et convallis cursus, erat magna accum san dolor, ac tincidunt arcu arcu quis ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per in ceptos himenaeos. Nulla mauris ipsum, malesuada nec molestie eu, semper vitae velit. Mauris eleifend, leo sedmol estie facilisis, justo sem fringilla nibh, vitae sagittis odio lectus vel enim. Suspendisse a pharetra libero. Integer quis est ut leo tempor dapibus vitae eu purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam gravida, nisi et convallis cursus, erat magna accum san dolor, ac tincidunt arcu arcu quis ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per in ceptos himenaeos. Nulla mauris ipsum, malesuada nec molestie eu, semper vitae velit. Mauris eleifend, leo sedmol estie facilisis, justo sem fringilla nibh, vitae sagittis odio lectus vel enim. Suspendisse a pharetra libero. Integer quis est ut leo tempor dapibus vitae eu purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam gravida, nisi et convallis cursus, erat magna accum san dolor, ac tincidunt arcu arcu quis ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per in ceptos himenaeos. Nulla mauris ipsum, malesuada nec molestie eu, semper vitae velit. Mauris eleifend, leo sedmol estie facilisis, justo sem fringilla nibh, vitae sagittis odio lectus vel enim. Suspendisse a pharetra libero. Integer quis est ut leo tempor dapibus vitae eu purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam gravida, nisi et convallis cursus, erat magna accum san dolor, ac tincidunt arcu arcu quis ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per in ceptos himenaeos. Nulla mauris ipsum, malesuada nec molestie eu, semper vitae velit. Mauris eleifend, leo sedmol estie facilisis, justo sem fringilla nibh, vitae sagittis odio lectus vel enim. Suspendisse a pharetra libero. Integer quis est ut leo tempor dapibus vitae eu purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam gravida, nisi et convallis cursus, erat magna accum san dolor, ac tincidunt arcu arcu quis ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per in ceptos himenaeos. Nulla mauris ipsum, malesuada nec molestie eu, semper vitae velit. Mauris eleifend, leo sedmol estie facilisis, justo sem fringilla nibh, vitae sagittis odio lectus vel enim. Suspendisse a pharetra libero. Integer quis est ut leo tempor dapibus vitae eu purus.
Planning in the moment

Curriculum Overview

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which sets out the guidelines for how we work as a childcare provider. The EYFS sets out how we work together to support each child’s learning and development. In terms of learning and development, there are 7 areas that we work within, these are split into Prime Areas for the under 3’s and Specific Areas (along with the Prime areas) for the over 3’s.

Our ethos is very much built around the emotional wellbeing of the child, developing this will develop the child holistically. Our environment is set up in such a way as to enable this, following the child’s interests, building on their self esteem and scaffolding on their learning. The curriculum we work with is based on ‘Planning in the moment’. Throughout the environment, all of the different areas are defined, planned and allow for open ended play which enables the child to use their interests to develop their learning.

Within the Rainbow Unit, we ask you to supply formula milk for your child, and we will provide cows milk, oat milk and soya milk as well as nappies. If your baby has a special toy or comfort item that they like to sleep with or to initially reassure them while separated from their parents, we encourage this to build the link between home and nursery. We have a daily structure but are more than happy to adapt this, to meet the needs of your child’s individual routine.

Routines are a lovely time for 1:1 interaction i.e. nappy changing times, chatting over meal times and even washing your hands are an important part of the child’s emotional development as well as building on their vocabulary.

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Visit the nursery

We invite families to book a visit to see our wonderful nursery and experience our nurturing environment in person. This will give you a sense of how Highbury Nursery can support your child's growth and become part of your family life.

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Important Information

Useful Resources

Explore our collection of helpful resources, including OFSTED reports, the Famly app, and FAQs, all designed to assist you in your child’s early development journey.