We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which sets out the guidelines for how we work as a childcare provider. The EYFS sets out how we work together to support each child’s learning and development. In terms of learning and development, there are 7 areas that we work within, these are split into Prime Areas for the under 3’s and Specific Areas (along with the Prime areas) for the over 3’s.
Our ethos is very much built around the emotional wellbeing of the child, developing this will develop the child holistically. Our environment is set up in such a way as to enable this, following the child’s interests, building on their self esteem and scaffolding on their learning. The curriculum we work with is based on ‘Planning in the moment’. Throughout the environment, all of the different areas are defined, planned and allow for open ended play which enables the child to use their interests to develop their learning.
Within the Rainbow Unit, we ask you to supply formula milk for your child, and we will provide cows milk, oat milk and soya milk as well as nappies. If your baby has a special toy or comfort item that they like to sleep with or to initially reassure them while separated from their parents, we encourage this to build the link between home and nursery. We have a daily structure but are more than happy to adapt this, to meet the needs of your child’s individual routine.
Routines are a lovely time for 1:1 interaction i.e. nappy changing times, chatting over meal times and even washing your hands are an important part of the child’s emotional development as well as building on their vocabulary.
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